Lowell az highway underpass
Lowell az highway underpass

lowell az highway underpass

It is a significant multi-modal achievement that the bridge over US 36 includes both a 4' bike lane and a 6' sidewalk. Some locations will include 8' sidewalks. Broomfield's standards for the local streets in the project require a minimum 5'sidewalk. The new streets built as a part of the project will meet Broomfield's requirement for a 4'-8' landscape buffer, depending on the street classification. Pedestrian oriented street lighting will be provided. New sidewalks will provide connectivity over US 36 between the existing residential and employment portion of Broomfield to the new Arista development, location of the relocated RTD park n Ride, Event Center and mixed use development. Bike racks will be provided at the same locations at bus shelters.

lowell az highway underpass

The bridge over US 36 and the local roads that are a part of the project will include 4' bike lanes. Bus shelters will be installed to facilitate transfer between local buses. Bus pads will be part of the project at the location where local bus transfers are anticipated. Implementation of an approved incident management plan will be faciliated when the 120th Avenue Connection is complete and becomes SH 128 and a part of the approved US 36 Incident Mangement Plan. ITS infrastructure will include camera surveillance, and inter-city communications. Signal interconnect will be provided for new signals and existing. Fiber conduits along the entire length of the project will allow CDOT to connect communications from 120th Avenue to Wadsworth/SH 128, which would be highway to highway interconnects. The project provides signal interconnection. The project provides left-turn lanes at signalized intersections and additional intersections. A preliminary engineering drawing is included in the hard copy Conceptual Design section of the application. The project design includes raised medians on the 120th Avenue Connection bridge and the associated local roadways that are a part of the proejct. The 120th Avenue Connection provides the route for local buses to access the relocated park n Ride. It facilitates relocation of the Broomfield park n Ride required to implement FasTracks initial BRT slip ramp improvements at Arista.

lowell az highway underpass

The roadway goes over US 36 and under the BNSF railroad and includes local roadway connections. The project will construct a new six lane roadway with 4' bikelanes and a 6' sidewalk. Funding is requested to continue and complete purchase of ROW for "Phase II" of the project.ĬDOT and Broomfield propose to provide a direct connection across US 36 between the intersection of SH 128 and Wadsworth Parkway (SH 121) on the west and 120th Avenue (SH 128/US 287) on the east. His application requests funding for the next meaningful phase of the 120th Avenue Connection. The estimate includes purchase of property and relocation of displaced occupants. According to CDOT, remaining ROW for Phase II is estimated at $9.07M. The 2007-2009 TIP provided significant funding for Phase I of the 120th Avenue Connection, and "wait list" funding provided partial funding for purchase of Phase II ROW. 120th Avenue Connection: 120th and Emerald Street to SH 128 and SH121ĬDOT and Broomfield have a contract in place to survey, prepare ROW plans and design for all phases of the 120th Avenue Connection, and right of way purchase for Phase I.

Lowell az highway underpass